Prayer Ministry
We are passionate about seeing the power of God demonstrated on earth through prayer.
We believe that God hears our prayers and still heals, restores and gives us the strength we need as we face the uncertainties of life. Here at Meadgate, prayer ministry is about the ongoing work of God in all of our lives as He deepens our relationship with Him and uses us for the extension of His kingdom.

Prayer Ministry is offered every Sunday during or at the end of the 10:30 Service. We would love for you to come up for prayer because nothing is too small or impossible with God. It would be a privilege and joy to pray with you.

Encounter Room
Prayer for the Morning Service takes place in the Encounter Room at 9:45am. This is an exciting time where we wait to hear from God and pray for all those involved in the service. These sessions have been powerful yet intimate as we come with expectancy to hear God speak to us. If you have never come to the pre-service sessions at the Encounter Room, don’t wait. Come and join us!!