Listening to Christian talks can be a real blessing and we hope you find them useful in your walk with God. Please find below a selection of audio and video recordings from previous services held at Meadgate Church in Great Baddow.
Whilst it's great to hear the talks, there's nothing quite like being at Meadgate Church to experience praising God and joining with us in fellowship. If you've not been to our Church before or perhaps haven't been for a while, please do come along. We'd love to see you! |
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Jesus is the only Good one
Jesus knows that it is hard for us to give up the things that mean most to us on earth but our position on earth is not the same as it will be in Heaven.
Jesus loves us and wants us to meet him in Heaven, all we need to do this is Jesus!
Morning Celebration
Blessed to be the blessing
Being blessed is the start not the end!
May God bless us so that all people may see the blessing and seek it for themselves.
Morning Celebration
The God Who Reverses
God is in the business of reversing difficult situations. Pat illustrates through the story of Esther how God can turn things around and delights to involve us in his plans
Morning Celebration
Wisdom is the wife of noble character
Proverbs has a lot to say on wisdom and often personifies it as a woman. The last 22 verses, though they talk about a woman, seem to actually be discussing wisdom. Proverbs tells us that the start of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It also give copious examples of how wisdom is applied to everyday life.
Morning Celebration
The Woman is an Example
Jesus cannot be hidden. We are to be "doers of Jesus's words". Be willing to ask God for anything, for He is a loving Father. God desires us to request.
Morning Celebration
Only by Grace
Napo explains how it's only by Grace, accepting Jesus, that we can be saved. Jesus did what the law couldn't.
Morning Celebration
A difficult teaching, or what we don't want to hear?
Jesus gives his disciples a teaching that some of them don't want to hear and so they leave. Jesus' teaching can be challenging but is always for our good.
Morning Celebration
Jesus is the Living Bread
God can meet you where you are!If you pay attention to what he says you an finish in a different place to where you started!
Morning Celebration
The Works of God
We are often distracted by works of our hands but bread made by our hands will leave us hungry again.
We should seek instead God's works in our hearts, spiritual bread that satisfies.
Morning Celebration
Bible Society update plus Sermon
Christian friend, Christian fraud or Christian follower? Choose good christian role models to imitate.
Morning Celebration
Which kingdom?
Tim reminds us how we all have a choice; between the earthly and the heavenly Kingdom.
The earthly one traps us, the heavenly one frees us.
Morning Celebration
Never give up
The people judge Jesus by their culture, intellect, experience. Grace has no ending, where Jesus was rejected. He went back there. Grace never gave up. Don't give up on God because He will never give up on you.
Morning Celebration
Faith in the trials of life
Using the examples of Jairus daughter and the woman healed from long term illness, Tim encourages us to trust in God whatever our weaknesses, whatever our fears and whatever our circumstances
Morning Celebration
Expectations of faith
What are our expectations of our faith? An easy life? Tim illustrates from watery examples how we should expect and be prepared for challenges but that Jesus is with us.
Morning Celebration
God's word, the mustard seed
We need to plant the seeds of God's love in people's lives. God takes charge from there.
Morning Celebration
Even when rejected turn to the Lod and Pray
We have all experienced rejection, but turn to the Lord and pray.
God had a better plan for the Israelite's but they said no.
Morning Celebration
God Speaks
God calls Samuel even though he does not know God's voice. God calls those he chooses, not just believers. Do we respect that. Worship must be pure towards God. Eli did not discipline his children and it led to God's punishment. We must discipline to ensure our children are enabled to follow God.
Morning Celebration
Faith, not logic
Pat talks us through Jesus's conversation with Nicodemus.
Morning Celebration
Love One Another
On this week of elections Tim presents a Manifesto - pass a law to love one another! This Spirit Love comes from God, shows obedience, leads to joy and is sacrificial.
Morning Celebration
Are we willing to go where God leads us?
Philip didn't know what he would be faced with but followed the message that God gave him. What would your reaction be?
We can all be the important one to an important one!
Morning Celebration
Too Good!
Too good to be true.
Too good not to be true.
Too good not to tell.
Morning Celebration
Escape Rooms
Did the disciples believe the women, the men, or Jesus?
Morning Celebration
Is Easter Over?
Jesus meets us where ever we are no matter where that is and brings true peace!
We can feel Jesus' presence wherever we are!
The disciples were changed from the moment Jesus met them and we can be changed in the same way.
Morning Celebration
Tim Ball's Eggselent Easter Talk
Morning Celebration
Palm Sunday
Morning Celebration
God so loved
John 3:16 is a very familiar verse and Funmilayo reminds us that God's all-inclusive love is open to us all.
Morning Celebration
Jesus in the Temple
Jesus wanted everyone Jew or Gentile to be able to praise God and do so freely.
Morning Celebration
Mountaintop Experience
Jesus asked his friends to join him on the mountain and he still wants us to spend time with him today. The time will come when we will see him in glory just as his disciples did.
Morning Celebration
Keep your eyes on Jesus
Jesus went to Simon's house and straight away they asked him to heal his mother in law. People heard about this and come to Jesus. Jesus then got early to pray, and after this moved away from the fame to preach the gospel to new villages. We should come to Jesus straight away with our problems. If people come to Meadgate to see Jesus, our job is to love and welcome them. Also to focus on delivering the good news to them. Jesus will do the rest!
Morning Celebration
Speaking with power
Jesus teaching blended the spoken word with works of power. Napo encourages us to come with an expectation to see God's power at work in our services.
Morning Celebration
Come and see!
Phillip invited Nathaniel to come and see Jesus. Nathaniel then believed. When we step up outside our comfort zone, we become more brave and God can use us.
Morning Celebration
Baptism of Jesus: Epiphany
Jesus' Baptism teaches us to: Be a Blessing, Be a Believer, Be Born again.
Stop Believing that you are good and start believing that Jesus is good!
Morning Celebration
What do you do after Christmas?
After the angels appeared to the shepherds, they left and it was dark and cold so what did they do? They went to seek out Jesus and worship him. After Christmas it can seem cold and dark so what should we do? Seek out Jesus, worship Him and tell others the good news!
Morning Celebration
Prophecy, Birth, Mission
Evening Service
Date: Sun 17 Dec 2023
Time: 00:00 Length: 20 Reading: Micah 5:1-5, Luke 1:26-28, Matthew 1:18-24, Luke 2:17, Luke 2:8-20, Matthew 2:1-12
Called, Committed, Caring
Respond out of love for Jesus. How do you see people, you can't serve if you don't see people!
Morning Celebration
Be ready
You can do a lot of good things, but if you do not mean them in your heart then they do not mean anything.
Morning Celebration
The End Times
Be ready!
Morning Celebration
The end times
Morning Celebration
Put on and Take Off
Pat gives background to the challenges faced by the Colossian church and Paul's response. We need to be willing to take off things in our lives and put on other things which Pat illustrates through 'the scarves of the Spirit.'
Morning Celebration
More than they asked for!
Should we pay taxes? Jesus said we should pay taxes to the state and give to God what is God's. Caesar's image was on the coins, God's image is in us.
Morning Celebration
Empty religion Breaking with the past Pressing on
Paul was Mr Religious! But when he met Christ he realised that this was so empty and worthless. Is there anything religious that you are clinging on to? The Holy Spirit is your new operating system. You are being updated and changed into the 'finished article'. Step into your future.
Morning Celebration
Biblical Hospitality
Darren uses the example of Onesiphorus to draw out the key characteristics of Biblical Hospitality.
Morning Celebration
Conduct yourself in a way that is worthy of the gospel of Christ
Trust in the Lord! Even the simplest of prayers have a big impact. God, in his grace, uses everyone!
Morning Celebration
God gave Joseph a gift for everyone's benefit
Joseph boasted about his dreams to his brothers who hated them. They sold him into slavery but God used this for good. Joseph learned to use his gift with humility.
Morning Celebration
How do we discuss difficult issues?
Conversations about difficult topics such as sin can be very tricky. Ros explores this from the model that Jesus gives us.
Morning Celebration
Will you jump into God's will?
Peter tells Jesus not to talk about death but Jesus tells him not to get in the way of God's will. God calls us to jump off into what he has planned, to have faith in Him. Ordinary people having extraordinary faith that enables God's will to be done.
Morning Celebration
Gifts in the church
Jesus asked two questions - "Who do they say I am?" and "Who do you say I am?"
But the important question is - "What is our Response?
We are all called to ministry. God through the Holy Spirit empowers us to do this!
Morning Celebration
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
If you call on the name of the Lord, you will be saved. If you've done so already, you are saved!
Morning Celebration
Treasure can be very valuable and so we need to seek it out in our lives. Sometimes we have to do something to access the treasure. Ros asks what is our treasure and are we prepared to start small and allow it to grow?
Morning Celebration
Does Jesus let the weeds grow?
Jesus sows good seed but an enemy comes and sows weeds. God does not pull up the weeds but lets them grow until final judgement. God believes we are strong enough to live with evil and survive. None of us are perfect. We are are good and evil. Sometimes we do more harm trying to root evil out instead of helping and loving one another.
Morning Celebration
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Alan Gillard Andrew Greaves-Brown Andy Finn Anita Ball Bishop John Charlie Kosla Charlie Parsons Darren Tosh Elizabeth Snowden Evie Ball Funmilayo Vaughan Gareth Davis Giles Griffiths Giles Platford Graham Marriott Jackie Thornton James Harding Joel Gowan Jubeida Adams Karen Parker Luke Ridgwell Melvyn Sach Napo John Nardia Tokawira Pat Kennett Phil Sheldrake Phil Sheldrake Philip Ritchie Roger Matthews Ros Coleridge Samaritans Purse Sandra Southee Simon Pearce Steph Ridgwell Sue Finch Tim Ball Tim Hunt |