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Upcoming Events


28 Jul

Sunday Morning Worship including Bible Society Mission Sunday

10:30am, The Orchards, followed by a Bring-and-Share Lunch

28 Jul

Celtic Prayer

St. Mary's, 5pm

29 Sep

Funmilayo's Last Great Baddow Service

St. Mary's, 10am

29 Sep

Funmilayo's Farewell Celebration

The Orchards, 3pm

23 Oct

Installation of Rev. Funmilayo Vaughan as Rector of St. Mary's Frinton

St. Mary's Frinton, 7:30pm


Please also see our Weekly Notice Sheet for further details on what is happenning this week and for general information on Meadgate Church.


For information about our regular activities
see the 'What's On' or Calendar sections.

Or click here for information about our Sunday services.